This is the first of what hopefully will be periodic reports by the Crack Mullet Research Team (“Team”) on Non-Governmental Organizations (“NGO”) funded by the taxpayers of Louisiana that have not complied with the law.
Recently, State Treasurer John Kennedy exposed the fact that many of the NGOs that are funded by the taxpayers of Louisiana have not complied with the law.
For those concerned about funding for higher education, healthcare or any other function of state government, these expenditures should be of interest.The Colomb Foundation, Inc.According to Kennedy, the foundation was given $300,000 in taxpayer funds, but has failed to comply with the law.The foundation is a non-profit established in 2004 and is based in Lafayette at 202 Outwood Drive 70507.The president is Floyd Wiltz of 412 13th Street, Lafayette 70501. The directors are: Kenneth Wayne Phillips, 201 Diamond Drive, Lafayette 70501 and Dondra Cormier, 204 Outwood Drive, Lafayette 70501The registered agent is Sterling Colomb, Sr., 201 Diamond Drive, Lafayette 70501 (Same address at Mr. Phillips). Coincidentally, Mr. Colomb Sr. is married to State Senator Yvonne Dorsey-Colomb of Baton Rouge.
According to the audit report, the purpose of the organization is to “present personal safety meetings, sponsor health fairs, sponsor food and book drives, print and distribute breast cancer awareness materials, print and distribute personal safety awareness materials and sponsor educational trips in the southwestern Louisiana area.”
The foundation was provided a total of $361,000 by the taxpayers of Louisiana which included $86,000 for Capital Outlay (constructing or renovating some building). The single largest expenditure is “Other Charges” of $143,000.When the Team did a search of Non-Profits 990 reports to the IRS, no results came up under the name The Colomb Foundation, Inc.
One can only assume that the Acadiana Delegation would not have appropriated the funds for the foundation unless its needs were a higher priority than the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, which had its funding reduced and student tuition was raised.
Anyone who thinks that funding the Colomb Foundation is not a higher priority than ULL, please forward this to your leges for an explanation of their priorities because I can’t explain it.
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