Despite holding the title of governor of Louisiana for over 7-1/2 years, we know very little about Bobby Jindal beyond his carefully-crafted public persona and well-scripted talking points.
It has been puzzling how so many high-ranking Jindal bureaucrats have been suddenly dismissed from his administration without media follow-up to give us more insight into the inner workings of the secretive Jindal administration.
Perhaps the dearth of details is because none of those summarily dismissed were willing to talk publicly. If so, that in and of itself seems to be news.
Taylor Huckaby, a former member of Team Jindal, recently wrote an op-ed piece in the Baton Rouge Advocate revealing some of the interactions between Jindal and his closest staff and among the staff. While the op-ed was revealing, it was not nearly as revealing as Huckaby’s subsequent interview.
Statewide radio talk show host Jim Engster interviewed Huckaby that I found powerful. This interview, among other things, exposed Jindal’s bigotry towards his fellow Indians, as well as exposing Jindal hypocrisy about transparency in government.
If Jindal was above less than 1 percent in the polls for the GOP nominee for president, this interview would be on the national news.
Jim provided me with a link to the podcast of the interview.
It’s approximately 20 minutes long. Knowing most folks are like me and don’t always have time to listen to lengthy interviews, I asked my buddy Robert Burns, who has a video blog, to break the audio down.
Here is the interview, by topic, with links to that segment of the audio:
–How Huckaby joined Jindal’s staff: https://youtu.be/hsW2SOj5As8
–Jindal’s isolationist nature and resolve of his gatekeepers: https://youtu.be/dwCDC5neJq4
–Jindal’s priority of national image over state and his staff’s makeover of Jindal: https://youtu.be/k2lPZa-slfk
–Life with the Jindal administration after revealing he’s gay to key Jindal adviser Timmy Teepell: https://youtu.be/vX7NrYCsavM
–The “fringe element” within Jindal’s inner circle: https://youtu.be/O0BivEY5ZZo
–Whether Timmy Teepell served Jindal well and whether Taylor respects Jindal “as a person.”: https://youtu.be/LhV2dWaEvvM
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