Our representative served us well

Our state of Louisiana has had many a likeable politician elected to office in the past and at the present we have one of the most popular of all times. We must admit, however, his popularity has not resulted from his performance of duty in office though that may be a part of it.

Rep. Steve Scalise, R-Jefferson, became a most noted figure among all of our elected officials through the actions of a criminal who almost killed him along with others in an act of terror. He survived after serious illness of being shot last June 14 while he and other Republican lawmakers were practicing in Alexandria, Va., for a charity baseball game against Democrats when the lone gunman opened fire.

After catching fly balls at second base when the shooting occurred, he suffered from a shattered femur and damaged pelvis and hip. He was quickly put into a helicopter and sent to a hospital, reportedly near death’s door with a blood pressure that had dropped to 0.

After the tragedy, Scalise survived many surgeries and many months of recovery from which he is gradually now recovering. Fortunately he is back at work today, already fulfilling his job as U. S. Majority Whip and the No. 3 Republican in the House of Representatives. Four others playing ball with Scalise were injured before police killed the gunman.

Steve Scalise will live in our memories as an effective public official and one who could serve us well no matter what seems to interfere in so doing. He has lived through his crisis and hopefully continues to be able to serve his people effectively the way he has done in the past.

We have no doubt that whatever should happen in the future, Steve Scalise will be there to serve the people of his state. And if he seeks to serve further office, which he could consider in the future, he will have the goodwill of the people who appreciate his supreme efforts in the past.


About Allen Lottinger 433 Articles
Publisher Emeritus

1 Comment

  1. Other than being shot and surviving, what has Scalise done for Louisiana or the rest of the nation? He first went along with Boehner, who did nothing, and then went along with Ryan, who has helped the Democrats more than he has helped the Republicans. Only a liberal would believe that Scalise has done anything good in Washington.

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