
Mortgaging our children’s future

I have previously written in this column about the destructive spending practices of the federal government. I recently came across the text of a speech that David Walker, the Comptroller General of the United States, gave to an American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) audience on September 8. […]


Get ready with this candidate questionnaire

Whether we like it or not, election season is here. Yard signs and billboards are popping up all over the landscape, and a few early television commercials are airing, with smiling-faced candidates saying little about issues but trying to convince us that they deserve our trust, support—and money. […]


Louisiana: the nanny state

Governor Blanco caused quite a stir during the closing days of the recent legislative session when she chided legislators by telling them that “Mama” wasn’t very happy with their actions and would have to “discipline” them if they continued to “misbehave” by pursuing too many tax cuts. […]